
"Music Monday" is back!

Public ticket sales begin February 6th for "Phantom of the Opera"!

Farmer Almanac

Bible Club Has an Outreach for Boys Basketball!

Prom Dress Modeling Job!

Sarris Chocolate For Sale

CAHS Hall of Fame: Virgina Mae Eberharter

Sports This Week

Women in STEM CO2 Cars

Boys and Girls Swimming

Mardi Gras Fashion Show

Pun Thursday

Girls Basketball

Business Student of the Month, Dec., Jan, Feb.

Weather for the Week (1/25/18-2/1/18)

Nominations for Connellsville Area School District Hall of Fame

Business Student of the Month Information!

Mr. Irresistible and Snow Princess Announced!

Float Friday

Decades Day

How Snow Court Works!

Harold J. Betters

Meme Day

Swinter Day!

Details About Snow Princess Crowning

The Heart of Americans

Winter Sports Pep-Rally

Last Day of Mr. Irresistible

Hat Day

The Semester is Almost Over

Interview and Life Lessons with Mr. Brown

Jen the Band's New Album